So, it seems we are near the end of our under-age, minors-in-the-kitchen cooking foray--too bad, so sad but maybe we have saved the best for (almost) the last. Easy and oh so good, nauseatingly rich little bites that go a long way and make you feel very guilty for eating them. You might like to sit down with a nice, hot cup of coffee or tea or a big glass of milk or a special drink just for Mommies. The kid part of these is the 'truffelizing'; i.e., rolling the dough in the powdered sugar or cocoa. Kiddos can have such fun getting it all over the counters, cabinets, floors and themselves--that's why they're Terrifying. You'll be so proud of Mommie's Little Helpers and I promise you'll be looking forward to Elvira's Evil Concoctions in the coming days when you finally get the mess cleaned up and everyone tucked into their little beds--Early--every night--until they grow up and leave home.
1-12 oz. box of vanilla wafers
1 c white chocolate chips
1 TBSP butter
1/4 c orange juice
1/4 c orange marmalade
2 TBSP maple syrup
1/2 c almonds--pulverized by hand or in food processer
1/2 c sweet flaked coconut
1/2 c powdered sugar
1/2 c powdered unsweetened cocoa
If you trust your kids with a rolling pin, let them smash the vanilla wafers. If not, into the food processor. Same for almonds or they can be grated in a grater (the hand held kind).
Place chocolate chips and butter in small saucepan with tight fitting lid. Fill larger saucepan 1/3 with water, bring to boil, remove from heat and place small, lidded saucepan of chips/butter onto larger saucepan for five minutes. Stir until smooth and add wafers, almonds and coconut. Add orange juice, marmalade and syrup, mix well. Form golfball sized cookies, roll in powdered sugar or cocoa or both and set on tray. Place in refrigerator for 15-20 minutes. Try not to eat more than a couple or you will pay with a sugar belly.

Bon appétit!
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