We do have one very excellent Italian restaurant in our fair town that I can actually get most-wonderful-husband-in-the-world excited about going to (he swears I cook better than the other places and why go?). This lovely, authentic place serves a simple appetizer/salad that I love. When I first saw it on the menu, I was a bit hesitant to order it but the waiter insisted and now, everyone who goes with us Must Order This.
Because I love this so much, I had to try it at home. It is always a possibility, however, that when I start cooking, what I start out to make can also be something else--in this instance--from a salad to a dessert. Mama mia! What a versatile dish. So you see, you can always change, fix or just leave it alone.

This is one of those extremely impressive, so simple to make dishes. It is a contrast of sweet, salty bliss-in-your-mouth flavors--whether you choose the salad or the dessert.
Gorgonzola Walnut Pears Elegante' Two Ways
First - for the salad (serves two)
1 pear, split, seeded and cored - red Anjou pears are so lovely for this
1-4 oz tub Gorgonzola Cheese
1 TBSP heavy cream
1 TBSP cream cheese
1/4 c roasted walnuts
2 TBSP honey for drizzling mixed with 2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil and 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
Your choice of lettuce or fresh spinach (I personally prefer a mild lettuce)
On a broiler tray, place split pears split side up. Mix cream cheese, Gorgonzola and cream into a gooey, clumpy mixture. Roast walnuts in dry skillet for several minutes (remember to shake and keep an eye on them or they will burn). Scoop cheese mixture into mounds on pears. Place under broiler until barely turning golden brown. Remove.
Place pears on bed of lettuce, sprinkle with walnuts, drizzle with honey/oil mixture.
Second - for the dessert (serves two-four)
Prepare pears as above and combine cheeses with cream, stuff pears and broil. Roast walnuts.
Melt 1/2 c semi-sweet chocolate chips or dark chocolate with 1 TBSP brandy, Kahlua or cream (chocolate in small pan, lidded, over larger pan with simmering water. Remove from heat for 5 minutes until melted).
Place pear half on dessert plate, drizzle with chocolate, sprinkle with walnuts. Split pear down the middle (it is now quartered) to serve 4
Play some Sinatra or Pavarotti, light some candles and you're almost in the home country.
Bon appeartito!
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