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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Winter Pumpkin Biscuits

Icy, short cut roads to office
Well, winter hit here with the ice, sleet and about 6" of snow.  That may not sound like much to our Northern neighbors but it is not something we Prairie folks look forward to.  There is a serious shortage of snowplows so our roads are constantly being over-sanded and salted on top of ice.  Why the city street engineers haven't figured out that the melting top layer only adds to the inch-thick ice to form an equally hazardous top layer of yet more ice seems to me it ain't rocket science, but what would I know.  Anyway, it's close enough to the holidays that for some people, this puts them into a jolly mood.  For others, sheer panic with the added 'winter storm warnings' (that's 'snizzle'/snow-ice drizzle and/or light, freezing 'sprinkleage'), and the sad yet comic rush at the grocery stores.  Snow Armageddon!  Not a loaf of bread or gallon of milk on the shelves and long lines at the checkout.  It is apparent that no one knows how to make bread anymore, much less do without milk for a couple of days.  The French figured this out as they have shelf-life, non-refrigerated milk, croissants and baguettes no matter the weather or revolution.  Mon dieu!

For me, I just put on my fuzzy houseshoes, fluffy robe and head straight to the kitchen after my cup of coffee.  I just bought several cans of pumpkin that were on sale (mostly for our dog to keep the other dog out of her...shall we say digested food droppings?) and pulled out one of my favorite, old standy cookbooks, A Taste of Georgia.  Does anyone ever have too many cookbooks?  I don't care how high-tech we may be or might become, I love my collection of cookbooks and it constantly grows.  It's just not the same staring at a screen on the tablet or PC when you can hold that book in your hands, turn the pages and see the pictures.  OK, back to the pumpkin.

The recipe I wasn't really looking for was actually for sweet potato biscuits but the pumpkin on hand was a perfect substitution and these are fast, warm and wonderful when you don't want to do anything but sit in your pj's and hibernate.  You probably have everything you need right in your pantry.  There's nothing fancy about these and you can make them plain or spicy/sweet.  Home bears need their nourishment when the days are dark and long.

Winter Pumpkin Biscuits
(makes 5-10 depending on how thick your roll your dough)

Heat oven to 400 degrees
Parchment line or Pam a baking sheet

Mix dry ingredients in bowl:
1 c all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp baking powder
Optional: 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 TBSP sugar--I had planned on making these plain and drizzling with honey but didn't have any honey...bears must have found it.  So, the cinnamon/sugar gives a lovely aroma and slightly sweet flavor to the biscuits.

Cut in 4 TBSP cold butter
1 c canned pumpkin (plain)
1/2 c milk
Blend lightly and turn out on a floured work area.  You want a workable dough--not too stiff but one that holds its shape.
Roll out to whatever thickness you like your biscuits--I made these about 1" thick so they would hurry and bake but you can make them fatter--just cook longer.
Cut with a biscuit cutter or small juice glass, place on baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes or until slightly browned on top.  Sprinkle with more cinnamon sugar and serve with big chunks of sweet butter.

It might be the only reason I can like being in the Tundra right now.  Doesn't stop me from dreaming about a beach somewhere, however.
Happy Shiloh Snow Trot
Oh well, the Big Dog is happy.

Bonne chance, rester chaud!

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