When I wake up to a cold, gray day here and temps under 30 degrees, I go into countdown mode to just get me through January because I hate winter soooo much. One thing that will brighten any winter day is sunny pineapples which I bought last week. I was going to just slice it up for breakfast but I started thinking about tropical islands, clear blue water and warm days ahead, dug out some recipe books and decided spicy, fruity something was just what we needed.
When The Most Wonderful Husband in the World swept me away to the beautiful island of St. Lucia, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. We said our 'I Do's' and promised to forever love, be kind and never, ever be asses to each other. Halleleujah! Prince Charming finally came and swept me away. I consider my new life of the past five years a true Fairy Tale. So, ladies--never give up and stop thinking there aren't any good men left in this world. Just stop kissing snakes and open your eyes and your heart--he'll come along and sometimes, he might be right before your eyes and you're just not seeing him.
Well, anyway, St. Lucia is paradise. The weather is perfect, always a slight breeze and the warm water of the ocean to slip into. It is truly an assault on your senses--the sweet smell of flowers, the blueness of the ocean, hearing the waves lullaby you to sleep and feeling the warm sun on your body. Certainly a refreshing part of your lazy days is the fruit served at every meal and not always in the form of a little umbrella on your glass. Out here in Buffalo Country, we haven't always had the pleasure of having fresh pineapple that didn't cost as much as buying a ticket to an island. But recently, (thank you, Aldi's. NOTE: If you haven't shopped at an Aldi's store, you're missing out on some great prices and a bit of European-style grocers. I love the quarters in the shopping carts--no bag boys, and no carts in the parking lot--put in a quarter, get your quarter back when your put the cart back where it belongs, but I regress) fresh pineapple, mangoes and other tropical fruits are commonplace and quite reasonable. I'm not a canned pineapple liker but I could eat a whole fresh pineapple every day they are so sweet and juicy.
So let's get started. These scrumptious cakes will put a little sunshine in your day. Whether you eat them for breakfast with some fresh pineapple on the side or top them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for dessert--they are moist, not-too-sweet and oh-so-good--and you can shortcut the heck out of these if you don't feel up to that arduous task of cutting fresh pineapple (used canned) or grating carrots (buy the bagged stuff).
Caribbean Breakfast Bars
Pam an 8" or 9" square baking dish. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1 stick plus 2 TBS butter, softened
1/2 c brown sugar

2 eggs
1 c four
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1 c grated carrots
1/2 chopped pineapple
1/2 c pecan pieces, chopped plus another 1/4 c to sprinkle on top
Cream the butter and sugar together then gradually add eggs--one at a time--and a little flour after each egg is added. (Thank you, daughter for the new wooden spatula--love the bird!)
Add remaining ingredients except 1/4 c chopped pecans. Stir until well blended, fold into prepared pan, smooth top, sprinkle 1/4 c chopped pecans and bake for 25-30 minutes. When skewer comes clean from middle, cake is done.
Remove from oven and completely cool to hold it's shape when you cut into squares. If you choose to serve this warm, it will be crumbly--no big deal and would be just wonderful with a dollop of whipped cream or creme fraiche. If you're on a New Year's Already Failed
Here's to warmer days, hibiscus blooms and long days with the ones you love.
Bon Soleil

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